Top Chef All-stars
Top Chef 17 - All-Stars
The object of this game is to pick the 2 Chefs that will reach the Season Finale and the overall Winner as a tiebreaker.
You cannot join this game.
No message from the game manager
- Rank
- Picks
TiebreakersWinner Score
Contestant | Score | Eliminated |
Brian Malarkey
NO |
Bryan Voltaggio
NO |
Eric Adjepong
NO |
Gregory Gourdet
NO |
Jennifer Carroll
NO |
Karen Akunowicz
NO |
Kevin Gillespie
NO |
Lee Anne Wong
NO |
Melissa King
NO |
Nini Nguyen
NO |
Stephanie Cmar
NO |
Lisa Fernandes
Jamie Lynch
Angelo Sosa
Joe Sasto
Game type: Standard
Access: Public
Maximum number of people: 100
Entries per person: 1
Pick 1 due by:
Pick 2 due by:
Pick 3 due by:
Picks revealed between deadlines: No
Manager's Message
No message from the game manager
How to Play
2. Choose the Chef that will face your first selection in the Season Finale.
3. From the 2 Chefs you selected, choose the Season Finale Winner. This is for tiebreaker purposes only.
How to Win
Both Your Chefs Reach the Season Finale.
The player that correctly predicts the 2 Chefs to reach the Season Finale, regardless of which Chef wins, is the sole winner and the game is over.
Tiebreaker: If two or more players correctly predict the final 2 Chefs, the tiebreaker is to correctly predict theSeason Finale Winner. If there are multiple players with the same Season Finale Winner, it will end as a tie, there will be multiple winners and the game is over.
1st Tiebreaker: Correctly Predict the Winner
If no player correctly predicts both Chefs to reach the Season Finale, the player that correctly predicts the Winner will be declared the winner and the game is over.
Tiebreaker: If two or more players correctly predict the Winner, the player with best Combined Ranking Score (Total of ranking position of both Chefs. If multiple players have the same Combined Ranking Score, it will end as a tie, there will be multiple winners and the game is over.
2nd Tiebreaker: Best Combined Ranking Score - Must have a Chef in the Season Finale to Qualify
If no player correctly predicts the Season Finale Winner, the player that correctly predicts a Chef in the Last 2 and has the best Combined Ranking Score will be declared the winner and the game is over. If multiple players have the same Combined Ranking Score, it will end as a tie, there will be multiple winners and the game is over.
Final Tiebreaker: Best Combined Ranking Score.
If no player has a Chef to reach the Season Finale, the final tiebreaker is the player with the best Combined Ranking Score. If multiple players have the same Combined Ranking Score, it will end as a tie, there will be multiple winners and the game is over.
2. After each deadline, no other changes can be made. The Game Manager will not be able to change or add picks for you after a deadline has passed.
3. If you fail to make a pick for the first deadline, the system will automatically remove you from the Game.
4. If you miss the second or third Staggered deadline, you are not eliminated from the Game.
5. If you miss the second deadline when Staggered Deadlines are used, the system will assign No Pick. The Ranking Score assigned is equal to the worst value within the game.
6. If the tiebreaker deadline is missed, the system will automatically assign the second selection for the tiebreaker selection also. If the second selection was a No Pick, the system will assign the first selection for the tiebreaker selection.
Negative points (or scores) are assigned in the order the chefs are eliminated from the show. The first to leave will earn the worst score. The scoring is as follows:
Overall Winner
Score = 0
Season Finale Loser
Score = -2
No Pick
Score = -15
NOTE: This numeric scoring is used ONLY for tiebreakers. Choosing both or one of the correct 2 chefs, or the winning singer takes priority over this scoring when determining the order of player finishes.
Scoring will not be updated until after each episode airs in the Pacific Time Zone.
- Pick 1
- Pick 2
- Looooooooooooong Pick that should wrap instead of getting cut off. Ok?
- Pick 4
- Pick 5
- Pick 6
- This is the last pick